**Charak Puja** is a traditional Hindu folk festival celebrated in the Indian states of West Bengal, Assam, and Tripura, and in parts of Bangladesh. It is primarily observed by the rural communities and involves worshiping Lord Shiva. The festival is rooted in ancient customs and beliefs that seek blessings for a prosperous agricultural season, protection from natural calamities, and a good harvest. ### Key Aspects of Charak Puja 1. **Time of Celebration**: Charak Puja is observed on the last day of Chaitra month in the Bengali calendar, which usually falls around mid-April. This day is also known as "Chaitra Sankranti," marking the end of the Bengali year. 2. **Rituals and Preparations**: - **Devotees as "Charak Sannyasis"**: Participants, often men, dress as "Charak Sannyasis" or monks and undergo rigorous fasting, meditation, and rituals to prepare for the puja. They follow strict rules and spend days preparing physically and mentally. - **Offerings to Lord Shiva**: The Charak tree or pole, often a tall bamboo or wooden structure, is set up as the center of the rituals. The devotees make offerings to Lord Shiva, seeking his blessings for strength, protection, and prosperity. - **Piercing and Body Rituals**: Charak Puja is known for its extreme body-piercing rituals. Devotees demonstrate their faith and endurance by piercing their skin with sharp objects, walking on fire, or swinging from poles by hooks embedded in their bodies. This is done in a trance-like state and is believed to purify the soul and appease the gods. 3. **Swinging from the Charak Tree**: - One of the most intense parts of Charak Puja involves devotees being suspended from the Charak pole by hooks pierced into their backs. They are then swung around, which symbolizes their devotion and surrender to Lord Shiva. - Spectators believe that the pain and endurance of the participants help in gaining spiritual merit and protection from misfortune in the coming year. 4. **Community Involvement and Festivities**: - The festival is a community event, with villagers gathering to witness the rituals, offer prayers, and support the devotees. - There are often fairs, traditional music, dance, and food stalls surrounding the area, turning the religious observance into a festive gathering. 5. **Cultural Significance**: - Charak Puja is deeply rooted in the cultural identity of the region and highlights the blend of folk traditions with Hindu religious beliefs. - It reflects the strength, endurance, and devotion of the devotees, and the event is regarded as a form of thanksgiving to nature for its resources. ### Symbolism and Beliefs Charak Puja embodies themes of sacrifice, endurance, and gratitude. Devotees believe that by enduring physical pain, they can secure blessings and avoid natural calamities and misfortune in the coming year. It is a powerful display of faith and dedication and provides a unique glimpse into the spiritual resilience of rural communities in Bengal, Assam, Tripura, and Bangladesh. Charak Puja is both a religious and cultural phenomenon that emphasizes the connection between humans, nature, and spirituality.